How to check the power supply

Next I would like to share my experience about the power supply. we know the power supply is an important part in the PC. if the power supply can be sure your PC or computer will not live at all. I want to share the following ways to check the power supply is damaged or not in a very simple. The following is a very successful way to type ATX power supply.

must be prepared.

1. Power supply
2. clips that have been in the alignment (wire)

steps should be taken.

1. power supply and prepare the clip (wire)
2. the power supply cord hole, look for the green and black. then connect the clip
3. then provide power to the power supply with power cord.

to note.
A. if the power supply fan is not spinning. we can be sure power supply is damaged.
2. if the fan can spin, there are two possibilities. The first possibility of power supply in very good condition. or possibly both in a state of power supply drop.

characteristics of power supply drop
1. computer hangs
2. usb port not working
3. sometimes the computer restarts
4. computer starts, but in the bios hard drive is not detected.

may be useful


mastokkenari said...

good and usefull article.... I like it...

kangtok said...

numpang baca2 disini, mas ... artikelnya bermanft sekali buat sy..mksh

Sandy Doank said...

OK, gan numpang singgah sambil nikmati camilan power suply nich

Annie said...

singgah baca

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